bun-tùs is ceadachas
"Oh wow you are on fire lately" le David Revoy, with mascots of Mastodon, Pleroma-tan, AICC-BY-SA 4.0

Oh wow you are on fire lately le David Revoy

"Oh wow you are on fire lately" le David Revoy, with mascots of Mastodon, Pleroma-tan, AICC-BY-SA 4.0

Am meud tùsail: 2641x1408px
Air a chruthachadh: 2023-07-02
Roinn-seòrsa: Measgaichte


Luchdaich a-nuas an dealbh le dùmhlachd-bhreacaidh àrd, 0.45MB
Luchdaich a-nuas faidhle a’ bhun-tùis (zip), 9.99MB


Aithriseadh air David Revoy, with mascots of Mastodon, Pleroma-tan, AI

Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh is deagh bheusan airson an aithrisidh san docamaideadh.