kinli versiio
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krasi .i jaspu
.oi .i le lisri nu'o se fanva fi le jai se cuxna be do .i .ei tcidu le glico versiio
Episode 38: The Healer Comic pages of Pepper&Carrot comes from two sources: the illustration and the text.
This page offers links to download them, but also to download ready to use compiled rendering.
le jaspu zo'u If you republish this episode, you need to provide the following information:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license Attribution to:
le pixra zo'u
David Revoy .
.i le lisri cu se finti
David Revoy .
.i pu cipra tcidu lu'i le lisri poi pu nu'o bredi fa
Arlo James Barnes ,
Bobby Hiltz ,
Christian Aribaud ,
Craig Maloney , Erik Mondrian,
Estefania de Vasconcellos Guimaraes ,
Frédéric Mora ,
Nicolas Artance , Rhombihexahedron,
Valvin , Vinay.
fanva fa [English]
Arlo James Barnes ,
Benjamin Loubet ,
Bobby Hiltz ,
CitizenK4te ,
Craig Maloney ,
Estefania de Vasconcellos Guimaraes ,
Frederic Mora , Jelfo,
Marno van der Maas .
cikre fa H-Games,
Menhir .
Credit for the universe of Pepper&Carrot, Hereva:
zi'e noi finti fa
David Revoy .
.i ralju sidju fa
Craig Maloney .
.i finti lei lisri be la .erevas. fa
Craig Maloney ,
Nicolas Artance , Scribblemaniac,
Valvin .
.i cikre le xe fanva fa
Alex Gryson ,
CGand ,
Hali ,
Marno van der Maas , Moini,
Willem Sonke .
Note: these credits are different depending the episode selected and the language. More information and good practice for attribution can be found
on the documentation .
Collage of all pages into a single image file:
en_Pepper-and-Carrot_E38XXL.jpg 5.58MB